FDA Compliance Certification


The United States has mandatory standards for products that might contribute to electromagnetic interference in order to decrease the level of radio frequency (rf) interference between electronic devices. Any electronic device or piece of tools that is sold in the United States must not compromise the safety of the American public or interfere with other electronic products.

Our ISO Certification Consultancy Company for ISO 9001 certification, International ISO 14001 certification, ISO 9000 certification, etc, are unique, wherein we provide services from the beginning to the end and we actually prepare client company's. ISO / Quality policies and procedures to expedite obtaining an ISO / other quality registrations. We are continuously improving our proven templates, which are customized to suit client's unique requirements. Moreover, tools, forms and other resources are constantly being developed and updated to ensure that our client receives the best possible service during in the quality standard implementation process..

The FCC Certification process will typically follow these steps:

  • The manufacturer will authorize Compliance Testing Test Lab to apply for an FCC FRN number. This registers the manufacturer with the FCC in advance of submitting devices for FCC Grants.
  • Compliance Testing will obtain the FCC Grantee code (Company FCC Code) from the FCC on behalf of the manufacturer and used in the FCC ID.
  • The Manufacturer will then deliver a device to Compliance Testing Test Lab for evaluation, and applicable FCC testing according to the compulsory FCC standards.
  • Compliance Testing will then generate an FCC test report to show the device has passed the suitable FCC tests meeting the FCC standard(s).
  • The manufacturer will essential to provide Compliance Testing all appropriate documentation mandatory for the FCC Filing.
  • The FCC test report, along with other documentation, (see Necessary Documentation) will be submitted to our TCB (Telecommunications Certification Body), who will obtain the grant.
  • The FCC made changes to the certification procedure in 2015 and no longer accepts applications for certification. Applications for certification must now be submitted through a recognized TCB (Telecommunications Certification Body). Compliance Testing is accredited to ISO 17065:2012 TCB and is accepted by the FCC to accept applications for certification. Compliance Testing’s TCB can usually procedure an FCC Grant within a week or two.

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